

Simone Leembruggen

Simone is a holistic practitioner incorporating western medical, eastern traditional, alternative health practitioner assisting complex and chronic complaints. She considers all aspects of life in formulating cause and resolve believing the key to success is truly individual care. learn the language to understand.

Over the last 8+years she has had to prioritise her and her kids health. A never-ending search for new knowledge that could improve their quality of life. In particular her son Raffael, born with a life limiting rare genetic disease. Being able to support Raff to outsmart his genes has been extraordinary to experience and while its been a rough and tough journey, Raffael enjoys the best health possible for him for how ever long that lasts. Epigenetics, gut health and whole nutrition has been the winning prescription in his case. Admittedly it is extremely complex with very specific amounts, times and combinations to achieve a mostly pain free, comfortable life.

Simone’s focus today is to continue learning to help herself, family and anyone who needs it.

My mother is Bathurst born, of German descent, and my father is a new Australian from Sri Lanka and a Vietnam Veteran. I was born in Dandenong and initially was a keen gymnast and monkey bar acrobat. Later I enjoyed sewing, needle-craft work and reading fiction, my Childrens Bible and other biblical stories.

In 1996, I enlisted in the Australian Army on February 13th. I was one of the first school leavers to take a ‘gap’ year and I had to contend with criticism from friends and family saying I’d never return to finish my studies. I spent one year full time in the Army, and the next 4 years part time juggling University studies in Melbourne with Military work in Enoggera, Queensland. My main job within the Army was as a Transport driver. I had never driven in my life so it was a great, but very challenging experience, and I gained confidence and competence with trucks, rovers, trailers and winching etc. My job at Enoggera was specifically as an ambulance driver, and overall my time in the military taught me a lot and will stay with me forever. During the remaining years of study I worked in the Hospitality and gaming industry. Later I tried my hand at competitive body building and competitive line dancing.

Community and Volunteer work have always held importance to me from a young age, possibly inspired by my grandparents who ran a migrant hostel in Springvale. My businesses have always made time to contributed to a better world and I now have the ability to do more in these areas. Having a home birth for my first 2 children without intervention is something I am very proud of. My third was another proud achievement despite having to go to hospital and stubbornly refused pain relief. I love traveling worldwide to experience other cultures and ways of life. I’ll never run out of new activities and experiences that challenge me and push me out of my comfort zone.

Integrative Smart DNA practitioner, ANF & Naturopathy Student

  • Bachelor Of Science 
  • Certificate In Crowd Control, Security & First Aid
  • Bachelor Ff Podiatry
  • Diploma Of Languages (Italian)
  • Certificate 4 In Disability Support Work
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Advanced Biomechanics & PENDA Technique,
  • Joint Mobilisation & MSK
  • Acupuncture Techniques (Low Level Laser Acupuncture)
  • Laser Therapy For Fungal Nails
  • Cosmetic Podiatry & Nail Reconstruction
  • Further Courses In Spanish & Mandarin
  • Qualified Smart DNA, & Smart Gut DNA Consultant
  • Qualified HTMA Consultant
  • Death Walker Training
  • Certification In Amino Neuro Frequency Pain Therapist (ANF Academy)
  • Bachelor Of Natural Medicine (Endeavour College)

Additional Services

KeryFlex Nail Cosmetic Restoration

The patented resin creates a flexible, non-porous nail plate that allows the real nail to grow in a fungal free environment. The KeryFlex™ artificial nail bonds to any remaining nail tissue and bed to provide an exceptionally realistic looking plate during anti-fungal therapies. It transforms an unsightly, disfigured nail, providing an immediate cosmetic improvement to compliment fungal nail laser treatment.

Treatment takes around 20 minutes and under normal conditions the KeryFlex™ restored nail will bond to the regrowing nail and will even adhere to fillers from your podiatrist.

The KeryFlex™ nail is durable and unaffected by acetone, nail polishes or detergents and is a great way to restore your confidence while undergoing treatment for fungal nail conditions.

KeryFlex™ is a safe application that completely restores the appearance of unsightly toenails affected by fungus, dystrophy, psoriasis and trauma.

--- What Is PENDA & Why Do I Want To Have This Done? ---

The Digital Pelvic Inclinometer is most often used as part of a clinical protocol to assess pelvic adaptation to leg length inequality, as part of the Pelvic Equilibrium theory or PENDA test.

Here at Heal and Soul Health, we are trained to assess the relationship between the foot and the pelvis and to detect any leg length difference being compensated for. Once any difference is corrected, patterns of injury can be resolved.

Musculo-Skeletal Adaptations
--- The Issues They Create For Modern Living ---

The geophysics has NOT changed. Our adaptive capability has NOT changed. The need to establish ‘The essential T’ has NOT changed. What HAS changed is…

Our Under Foot Environment. Concrete has high energy return – energy release. Now our natural intrinsic asymmetry becomes the main driver for adaption. We therefore use the same evolved adaptions to achieve the same end goal; cerebellovestibular balance. The difference is the duration (temporal parameters) of a single adaption. They can last for a much longer period of time.

Instantaneous Adaptions. There is no plan for what happens after the adaption! Natural surfaces constantly change as you move. Therefore, adaptions are constantly changing. Modern surfaces change less. Therefore, your adaptions change less.

The ‘Pelvic Equilibrium Theory’. This tells us that, if your aim is to improve motion patterns and reduce injury risk, you should consider; understanding the global adaptive pathways & balancing the pelvis

Pelvic Adaptions. Are still widely misunderstood, and it appears that all ambulant individuals may function around one of four pelvic positions. This new protocol may change our understanding of pelvic function. It may change how we treat pelvic, SIJ and spinal dysfunction. The relationship between pelvic motion and lower limb function requires further research. More reliability studies are required. Pelvic function has to be assessed as part of an MSK consultation. Not understanding the role of the pelvis in MSK repetitive injury may leave significant causative factors untreated. Most Podiatrists do not assess the Pelvic function and motion at all. This is NOT something taught in University and further courses and qualifications are needed to gain good understanding about these methods and theories.

Smart DNA Testing & Reporting

We Now Offer Smart DNA Genomic Wellness Plus Testing

Do you ever wonder why there are so many individual differences in people’s health, despite similar nutritional, lifestyle, or exercise advice for everyone?

  • Why some people lose weight or put on muscle easily, whilst others struggle?
  • Why some people find it easy to be motivated for exercise, yet others find difficulty?
  • Why some people have great endurance, yet others have poor endurance but are great at sprints or power exercises?
  • Why some people seem to have endless vitality, despite have a poor diet?
  • Why one person may suffer from one ailment, yet another has a completely different ailment despite similar diet and lifestyle?

A Simple Saliva Sample…

Is all you need to discover your unique genetic profile. This test covers over 160 DNA changes. The Genomic Wellness Test is the most affordable, scientifically up to date and comprehensive analysis with action steps to assist the practitioner with a personalised optimal wellness program for their client.

Smart DNA testing offers a truly individualised approach to health care, through diet, nutrition, stress management, exercise, and sleep recommendations based on your unique genes. Our environment shapes the development of our cells. Our DNA provide the recipe but how we live influences, and shapes how our genes are expressed.

Smart DNA Wellness testing and the report describes your unique genetic blueprint with respect to health, wellness and disease, while giving you an outline to lead your life with optimal wellness.

  • High Blood Pressure Risk
  • Diabetes Profile
  • Body Composition
  • Sports & Exercise Profiling (Peak Performance)
  • Anti-Aging (Liver Detoxification [Phase 1 & 2] Oxidative Stress & Inflammation)
  • Brain Health (Stress Responses, Mood, Addiction, Seasonal Sleep & Metal Binding)
  • Fertility Profiling & Oestrogen Profiling
  • Environmental Toxins
  • Chronic Fatigue

Your personalised lifestyle and health care strategy is then tailored from this unique window into your genetic disposition to health and/or disease.

You can you use this report to live your life in a way that minimizes your genetic weaknesses while optimizing your strengths. This will allow you to experience health and vitality at levels you haven’t previously felt.

Testing packs are available from Simone Leembruggen via the shop on this website. The saliva sample is then sent to smartDNA (details with the pack), whereupon a report will be sent back to Simone, who will then translate and create a summary of this report which is outlined in a one hour consultation.

The total cost for the test, report and summary is $600.

The report and summary can be done as either a consultation in person, via email or via an online consultation.

If you are interested in this unique technology, contact Simone at or call on 0404 633 681.

Alternatively, CLICK HERE go to the shop section of this website and book in your Genetic Wellness test. You will be sent a test kit that has full instructions of how to prepare the saliva sample and where to send it. Once the results have been sent to Simone, she will contact you about the report on the results and subsequent programs.

For further information on Smart DNA testing see

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)
--- Heavy Metal Testing ---

What Is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, And How Can It Help?

What Is It. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical test that measures the mineral composition of hair. It is a safe and non-invasive test that reflects the level of nutrient and toxic elements in body tissue. It is regarded by many Integrative doctors, Naturopath’s, nutritional therapists and vets as one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care.

The Importance Of Minerals. Minerals are essential for growth, healing, vitality and well being. They provide structural support in bones and teeth, and maintain the body’s pH, water balance, nerve activity, muscle contractions, energy production and enzyme reactions. They are the basic ‘spark plugs’ of life.

Imbalances & Toxins. Our health and well being may be aggravated by mineral imbalances and toxic metal excesses, aggravating conditions including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, migraines, learning difficulties and hyperactivity in children, to name just a few.

  • Mineral Deficiencies And Excesses
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • Metabolic Rate (Fast Or Slow)
  • Immune System & Response
  • Mental Health
  • Nervous System Imbalance
  • Liver & Kidney Stress
  • Diabetes And Insulin Resistance
  • Energy Levels & Fatigue
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Adrenal & Thyroid Function
  • Sports Endurance & Recovery

Further, it helps with early detection and prevention of conditions, as mineral imbalances are often seen before symptoms occur. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis provides vital information to help you get your health back on-track and maintain wellness in all stages of life!

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis provides clinical data missed by standard blood, urine and stool testing. It provides important information to help you get your health back on-track and maintain wellness in all stages of life!

The total cost for the test is $120.

The report and summary can be done as either a consultation in person, via email or via an online consultation. If you are interested in this unique technology, contact Simone by calling 0404 633 681.